Monday, April 29, 2013

ARC Review: Deep Autumn Heat by Elisabeth Barrett

Deep Autumn Heat (Star Harbor #1)
by Elisabeth Barrett
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble
Blurb by Goodreads
In this sexy new Star Harbor romance series, featuring the too-tempting Grayson brothers, a celebrity chef turns up the heat for a local café owner—and things start to sizzle.

Lexie Meyers decides there’s nothing sweeter than watching Sebastian Grayson’s perfect, wicked mouth devour her coconut cake. He’s hot, he’s hungry, and he’s sizing her up like she’s the best thing on the menu. But she’s been burned in the past and flings just aren’t her thing. Too bad Sebastian can’t resist a challenge.

Worldly, famous, and notorious with the ladies, Seb had planned a weekend of fishing and relaxation with his brothers. Until Lexie, with her kissable lips and frosty “get lost” attitude, makes him want to forget his culinary empire and create some magic with her. After he fires up his charm—including challenging her to a televised cook-off to break through her resistance—it’s now hotter in the bedroom than it is in the kitchen and Lexie isn’t sure whether she’s lost her mind . . . or just her heart.
I am a huge fan of gorgeous brothers novels. In Deep Autumn Heat we are introduced to the sexy Grayson brothers and first up is Sebastian “Seb”. The delicious chef who left town to pursue his career. Now he is back home for the annual get together with his brothers. Seb had me the first moment with his intensive staring at Lexie then I was a goner with his arrogant and alpha male attitude that does know what personal space means.
Loved Lexie character who is strong will with a backbone that is not over the top. Her last relationship ended on a serious bad note that brought her to start a new life in Star Harbor. She has no problem going head to head with Seb.
The sexual tension and sex scenes are hot that are fan your self moments. Lexie is a great match for Seb. He is not into long haul relationships. He dates for a period of time and then is done. When he meets feisty Lexie he realize she is a good person and does not want to hurt her. The problem is he can not stay away, stop kissing and wanting to touch her. This leads to a lot of hot and cold moments with him. Lexie thinks he his playing mind games and has already been down this road from her ex. She has no problem letting him know how she feels. At the same time she wants him to kiss and touch her. 
For me the best parts are when Seb and Lexie were in a scene, knew it was going to be good. Loved their moments together. And of course loved when the brothers were together. Had some good family, brotherly love moments. Enjoyed all brothers as they have their own voice and personalities. I did feel like the stalker parts and her ex had more time in the novel than Seb and Lexie. I enjoyed the stalker and ex storyline but at times it did drag on. When found who the stalker was I was a bit shocked did not see that one coming. The ex I felt was pushed to make Seb her knight and shining armor and was predictable.
Aside from that I enjoyed reading Deep Autumn Heat. I like Elisabeth Barrett writing voice and do look forward to reading more of the yummy Grayson brothers.
ARC provided by publisher, Random House Publishing Group at NetGalley for an honest review.


  1. Nice review! Adding this one to my wishlist!! Who can resist sexy brothers eh? Hope you are having a fab Monday!:)

    1. All the brothers are sexy. I think you will enjoy this novel. I look forward to rest of the series.


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