Tuesdays have never been so sexy
Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Between The Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in head on over to Reading Between The Wines just grab the button, Post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky below at Reading Between The Wines so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!
Kind of been busy and have been in a reading funk, can not read just one book. I thought I would give you a sexy snippet from a book and author I adore. I am re-reading Paradise Rules by Beth Kery.

"I'm left in so little doubt about how good you are with that mouth, I think I'll feed my cock to you instead of letting you consume it, Lana."
Her brow furrowed in puzzlement.
"Open your lips," he rasped. He was so aroused that he was only going to last for about two strokes in her wet heat. Or maybe just the sight of her desire-darkened eyes and damp, lush lips would be sufficient to do him in, he thought grimly as she opened wide to receive him.
He pushed the head of his cock between her lips, stretching them even wider than she'd spread them. He grunted in pleasure at the sensation of penetrating her tight hold and sliding his cock against her warm, wet tongue. When she tried to raise her head off the pillow, he gripped gently at the hair at her nape, stilling her.
"Don't Move."
***THUD*** I think I just came a little. He sounds so...dominating...and Me Likey...(hah -- almost wrote lickey, what a Freudian slip that was).
ReplyDeleteI am late to the game posting--busy as hell today with kids in orientation and then having to show house early this am. And then a nap--hehehhe.
LURVE your sexy snippet-my girly bits are in flames :)
Here is mine:
A must read. Love Beth Kery heroes.