Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1)
by K.A. Tucker
Publisher: Atria Books
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Blurb by Goodreads
Just breathe, Kacey. Ten tiny breaths. Seize them. Feel them. Love them.
Four years ago Kacey Cleary’s life imploded when her car was hit by a drunk driver, killing her parents, boyfriend, and best friend. Still haunted by memories of being trapped inside, holding her boyfriend’s lifeless hand and listening to her mother take her last breath, Kacey wants to leave her past behind. Armed with two bus tickets, twenty-year-old Kacey and her fifteen-year-old sister, Livie, escape Grand Rapids, Michigan, to start over in Miami. Struggling to make ends meet, Kacey needs to figure out how to get by. But Kacey’s not worried. She can handle anything—anything but her mysterious neighbor in apartment 1D.
Trent Emerson has smoldering blue eyes, deep dimples, and he perfectly skates that irresistible line between nice guy and bad boy. Hardened by her tragic past, Kacey is determined to keep everyone at a distance, but their mutual attraction is undeniable and Trent is determined to find a way into Kacey’s guarded heart—even if it means that an explosive secret could shatter both their worlds.

Going into Ten Tiny Breaths I really had no idea what to expect. The synopsis is perfect as not really giving too much away. What I got was a emotional, intense read with love, betrayal, mystery with a lot of twist and turns that I could not put it down. K.A. Tucker has a beautiful writing voice and is a master story teller who has a new fan.
K.A. Tucker did a amazing job at bringing all characters to life with different personalities. The heroine Kacey is broken but is not the wimpy type to back down from anybody. Before her accident she was the sweet, fun loving Kacey. After her accident she became the smartass do not let any one in. Considering what she went through who would not be.
"Sorry, can you specify - what qualifies as an orgy in the State of Florida? Are threesomes okay? What if blow-ups are involved, 'cause you know..."
Mostly in novels it is the hero who is swoon worthy. Who go above and beyond for someone they love. I found Kasey a swoon worthy heroine as she took her sister Livie away from a terrible household to give her a better life. Kacey puts her life on hold to make sure her sister lives a good life. Livie and Kacey journey to a new life was very touching, sad and felt so real. Livie is the only one that knows the real Kacey and does everything in her power to make the wall Kacey has built around her come down and of course with help of Trent.
Now Trent I did not fall in love with his character right away. That is not a bad thing it is just that he was a bit mysterious in the beginning. Nicely paced through out the novel I fell more in love with him He is your tattoo-biker riding, alpha male hero who will do anything to protect her and break down her wall she has built around her. He is obsessed in making her happy.
"I want to make you smile. For real. Always. We're going to go for dinners, and see movies, and walk on the beach. We'll go hang gliding, or bungee jumping, or what ever you want to do. What ever makes you smile and laugh more." His fingers toy with my bottom lip. "Let me make you smile."
The sexual tension is hot and nicely done through out that leaves for a hot fan your self read. They do have their ups and downs. Wow when they have down moments is tears me apart but when they have their good moments I can not help but get all giddy.
"I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Give me your heart, Kacey. I'll take everything that comes with it."
The secondary characters add so much to the story and never take away from Kacey and Trent's story. There is the female stripper, sexy strip joint owner, crazy shrink (I mean that in a good way) and Kacey sister Livie. I loved Livie the most but still there is so much more to her I want to know. Since this is Kacey story and we see how she deals with her parents death I am curious to know how it really effects Livie. Thank goodness her story is up next.
Not only perfect story but the cover is beautiful.
Ten Tiny Breaths has layers that are nicely peal away. Loved that K.A. did not bombard readers all at once with Kacey accident. Readers learn what really happened little by little through flash backs that fit in perfectly with the story.
I highly recommend Ten Tiny Breaths if looking for a superb New Adult read that has romance with many twist and turns. Ten Tiny Breaths series is now one of my favorites. After reading Ten Tiny Breaths had to buy Ten Tiny Lies ASAP. Do not worry Ten Tiny Breath does not end in a cliffhanger just that I fell in love with K.A. writing style and story telling I needed more. And to my surprise her other series Causal Enchantment book 1
Anathema is Free on Amazon. Of course I had to get that as well. Look forward to reading more novels by K.A. Tucker.
ARC provided by publisher, Atria Books at Netgalley for an honest review.