Sunday, September 30, 2012

Review: UnRidden by Cat Johnson

UnRidden (Studs In Spurs #1)
by Cat Johnson
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble
E-book 240 pages

When country boys meet a city girl, everyone is in for a wild ride. Studs in Spurs, Book 1 Slade Bower and Mustang Jackson are living the high life on the professional bull-riding circuit. The prize money is big, the bulls are rank and the women are willing. But something is missing. For Slade, waking up in a different city with a different woman each morning is holding less and less appeal. Even Mustang's creative attempts to shake things up don't help. Then along comes a big-city author who's like nothing they've ever encountered. Something about her makes Slade sit up and take notice-and Mustang is always up for anything. Romance writer Jenna Block has a problem-her agent thinks a cowboy book will jump-start her career. A born New Yorker, Jenna doesn't do cowboys, not on paper, and definitely not in real life. Luckily for her there are two cowboys ready, willing and able to take her out of her comfort zone in every way that counts...and some ways she hadn't counted on.

This book has been previously published. Warning: This story contains two hot cowboys, one very lucky woman, hot mnage sex and lots of bull.


Cat Johnson writing voice and bull riding descriptions are sexy and fun. After reading UnRidden I wanted to go see some bull riders in action.

Slade has had no problem with sharing woman in the past, that is until he met Jenna. Before he met Jenna he was in a slump, tired of just having sex. It all begins with a bet of a new pair of chaps that Mustang can not get Jenna naked. It should be like all the other times just a one night stand, until their night with Jenna and everything changes. He is starting to want more than sex and a one night stand. Now he has these feelings he does not know what to do with. He is starting to feel jealous inside when Mustang is with her. This tends to leave him a bit crabby.

Mustang is a big flirt and sweet talker who always uses endearments like darlin‘. With his charm he has no problem getting a woman to join him for a night of pleasure with Slade.

I loved Jenna’s character. She does not sleep with them on the first night. When asking Slade and Mustang for drinks so she can ask them questions about bull riding she suggest a public place instead of their trailer that they offered. Mustang makes it very clear he wants her in his and Slade’s bed for the night, but his charms do not work on her. Later she realizes that she is single and they both got her hot and bothered over drinks. She has never had a ménage before so why not enjoy her time at the convention as she will never see them again.

If you love a good book with some sexy heroes in chaps than this is it. I highly recommend Unridden and look forward to reading the rest of the series.


BB & B

BB&B (Bought, Borrowed and Bagged) is a weekly meme held on Sundays, hosted by Talk Supe. It is where we share with you the books that we have bought, borrowed or bagged (won) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, on going events and any news we want to share with our followers.

Hello Lovelies. Not  much has happened on my blog the last few weeks.  Just getting back to things with my blog this week.

Forever Mine  (FREE at amazon, do not know how long it will last), Always Been Mine by Elizabeth Reyes

Deacon's Touch E-book Giveaway

Already has been given E-book

My Studs In Stetsons e-book giveaway (your choice from Amazon or Barnes & Noble) will continue. Courtesy of Wickedly Delicious Book Blog.

UnRidden by Cat Johnson 10/1 ~ 10/6
Rocky Mountain Heat by Vivian Arend 10/8 ~ 10/13

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Lusting For Covers: #92 Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh


Lusting For Covers is a weekly meme hosted by TBQ's Book Palace.   Lusting For Covers is held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers. It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out-- it's all up to you! Join in on the fun, head  over to TBQ's Book Palace and list your  Lusting For Covers  candidate.

My Pick:

Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter #5)
by Nalini Singh
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble
E-book 352 pages

Enter New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly beautiful world of archangels and immortal power, as a pact is sealed between two souls bound by blood, stirred by desire, and driven by vengeance…

With wings of midnight and an affinity for shadows, Jason courts darkness. But now, with the Archangel Neha’s consort lying murdered in the jewel-studded palace that was his prison and her rage threatening cataclysmic devastation, Jason steps into the light, knowing he must unearth the murderer before it is too late.

Earning Neha’s trust comes at a price—Jason must tie himself to her bloodline through the Princess Mahiya, a woman with secrets so dangerous, she trusts no one. Least of all an enemy spymaster.

With only their relentless hunt for a violent, intelligent killer to unite them, Jason and Mahiya embark on a quest that leads to a centuries-old nightmare… and to the dark storm of an unexpected passion that threatens to drench them both in blood.

Love this series and this is the best cover. It is sexy and dark with Jason holding his sword, shirtless with his black wings out.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thank You

 Thank you for your prayers and condolences. We are home and services were beautiful and went smoothly. Unfortunately our son was not able to make the funeral. He did not get out of the hospital until late Tuesday but good news he is doing well. It might take me a few weeks to get caught up on my blog and visit my blogs I love, as I do not know if and when we will be making more trips up north. It depends on how my mother-n-law will hold up. As for now I will not do any of my meme's but will try and par take in others. Did not buy any books this week or was able to read much. Was a tad hard to concentrate plus we helped my mother-n-law with the funeral and running around town. By the time I went to bed I was lucky to get a few pages in before nodding off, too tired. Hopefully I will be able to get caught up in my reading and post my reviews I was working on and do some new ones.

I will try and pick a winner for the last E-book Giveaway Sunday or Monday. I will hopefully be able to continue with the last two as soon as things settle down. Sorry all, I am a little bonkers as I can not concentrate as much for the time being.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Please keep us in your prayers

Sorry for the lack of posting. My father-n-law past away late Friday night and  our son was hospitalized (not from his Opa's Death, other health reasons). My Father-n-law was a loving husband, father and an amazing grandfather. He will be missed but not forgotten. He has been sick for years but the last few months has been bad. I know he is in a better place.  We have fun and loving memories with him. No one ever wants to see their baby in a hospital sick, then to have to tell him  that  his grandfather just died, but he can not go to the  funeral, is heartbreaking.  As a parent it is hard to have to leave your sick child alone while you are 4 hours away at a funeral. I know my son is  a grown 21 year old man, and he is fixable but it is breaking my husband and I hearts.  My son is the oldest grandson who is very close to his Oma and Opa. He has been spending ever summer since he was in diapers up north on the farm with them til he was in 7th grade.  He has fun memories helping move wood, paint fences, fishing etc. I am thankful we have loving and caring friends. Friends of ours is coming to the viewing on Tues. If our son is well and released they will bring him with them.  Please keep us in your prayers that our son will be well by Tuesday so he can be there with us while we say goodbye to a wonderful man.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Secretly Crushing On: #17 Risking It All by Jennifer Schmidt

Who are you Secretly Crushing On?

Hello Lovelies. Secretly Crushing On  is a weekly feature that is held on Thursdays, hosted by me from  Wickedly Delicious Book Blog.  This is a blog hop geared towards book lovers preferably ages 18+ with the objective to find and visit other blogs that share the same interest as you... a love for Sexy Reads with  a Hot Hero you are Secretly Crushing On. It can be an old book or new read.  

How to join:
  • Make a separate post for the Secretly Crushing On hop on your blog.
  • Copy the button above or place your own (as long as you link back to Wickedly Delicious Book Blog) on top of your post.
  • Pick your Secretly Crushing On candidate with an old book or currant read. Give a reason for your pick or give a little teaser or both.
  • Place your name and blog title in the linky below, as well as the URL for a direct link to the post.
  • Visit other blogs on the list and make some new friends.

My Secret Crush:

Risking It All
by Jennifer Schmidt Blog
Purchase Link: Amazon
E-book 280 pages

Kennedy Monroe barely got her foot in her college dorm her freshman year before she was being warned about a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed self-proclaimed Casanova. There were only so many tales of heartache – and incredibly steamy nights – she could listen to before she started to believe them. But after a run in with the most sought after college womanizer, her ill feelings toward him change and soon a friendship forms that surprises everyone.

Twelve years later Kennedy and Memphis Adams are closer than ever - and only friends despite what those around them think, including Kennedy’s boyfriend Ian Brooks. When Kennedy accepts an invitation to vacation in Alaska from Memphis, her relationship with Brooks is tested as is her restraint when it comes to the desire she has always had for her best friend.

Alone with Memphis in Alaska, Kennedy finds it increasingly harder to ignore temptation and wants nothing more than to give into her secret desires with the one man that has always been off limits. But is one night of passion worth the possible risk of losing their friendship over?

Feeling torn between doing the right thing and doing what she wants, Kennedy fears losing her best friend. She knows she needs to sort out her feelings for the two men in her life and deal with the consequences of her actions, but how can she when everything seems to be falling apart so fast? And how much can Memphis take before he’s pushed too far and can no longer take Kennedy’s inability to make a decision about what and who she wants?

Kennedy discovers the harsh reality of how one night can change everything and leave her risking it all.
I want Memphis as my best friend and lover. He is so sweet to Kennedy, always treating her with love. He is always there for her. He is the one who if off in another country taking photos for his job, would fly back to come to her opening night art viewing. He is very attentive to her and is always there when she needs a shoulder to cry on. He does not care who is hurting her he is there to protect, even towards her father. He does not hold anything back when it comes to Kennedy. All he wants is for her to be happy even if he hates her boyfriend. He is still polite and will always ask if he would like to join them for breakfast etc.

He is always calling her beautiful unless he is mad or annoyed

"Hello beautiful." His deep voice always made her shiver. "Sleep well?"  "Mmm, very well." She flipped over onto her back.

"Was my little minx naughty last night?"

He is playful even when jealous

"Let me read the note, Kennedy."

"You mean this not?" Kennedy held up the crumpled piece of paper. "Don't play with me, woman."

"Oh, I seem to remember you like being played with."

Kennedy squealed as Memphis launched himself over the couch....

He is a sexy lover

He released her nipple from his teeth and smiled lazily up at her before blowing on her wet skin. Her body jerked, trembling from being wound so tight and needing more than he was giving her.

Memphis lowered his head, his mouth finding her bared stomach as he moved their hands from over her head and rested them against her sides. Kennedy inhaled sharply as his lips reached the waistband of her pants, and he slowly slid his tongue under it. Her hips jerked as he dragged his tongue from one side of her to the other, and Kennedy rolled her head back and moaned.

Review: Perfect Mate by Mina Carter

Perfect Mate
by Mina Carter
Purchase Link:  Amazon
E-book 190 pages

Monsters do exist...and they’re the good guys.

Lillian Rosewood leads an ordinary, boring life working as the manager of a psychiatric hospital. The highlights of her day, other than her skinny hot chocolate, are the hunky guards who work in the secure section. Until a late night emergency is wheeled in.

Captain Jack Harper is insane, drop-dead gorgeous...and just had his abdomen shredded. Despite the fact they're not an emergency room, Lillian can't turn him away and risk a death on her hands. Unable to get the handsome soldier out of her mind, Lillian sneaks into the restricted area to check on him. What she finds is beyond belief. Somehow Jack has managed to heal himself from a near fatal wound in mere hours.

When one of the doctors, Walker, attempts to rape her, things go from bad to worse. In the blink of an eye, Jack is loose and Walker is dead... and Lillian must accept a truth about her rescuer that will change her world forever. What if the patients aren't insane? What if their stories of secret government experiments and monsters are true?

Warning: Contains blood, mayhem and nude werewolves operating heavy weaponry. Large amounts of sarcasm, and smart-ass vampires may offend some readers. No civilian hospital staff were harmed in the making of this story.


One of my favorite genres is instant mating with an Alpha Male hero. I was so excited I found this book on a whim while finding another book. I bought it based on some good reviews with Alpha Male heroes and was compared to Lora Leigh and Laurann Dohner. Two of my favorite authors. What I like the most with this series is the only thing similar to The Breeds and New Species is the characters are experienced on with another species DNA and sexy alpha male heroes. What I enjoy most it that aside from the 2 similarities with the Breeds and New Species series is that Mina Carter opens up a whole new world with Lycans, Vampires and Zombies mixed in one book.

Jack is your Alpha Male hero who has been experienced on with an animal DNA. He is very protected of Lillian who is his mate. When any harm is being done to Lillian the beast in him loses control and she is the only person who can soothe the beast in him. The beast in him  is usually angered and resentment but being around Lillian calms it. Jack does not hold anything back, when anything or anybody hurts Lillian. That man can kick some serious Zombie and human butt. The scenes where he is out of control are graphic and you feel like you are there on the sidelines watching the brutal beatings this man gives. He is also a loving hero who is sweet and I love when a hero will caress the heroine. Logan does not disappoint in the caressing department.

Lillian does not know why but she has been drawn to jack since he came to the hospital on a gurney. I was not big on the way she thought of poor Jack while he was bloody and beaten up. She is basically drooling how sexy he is, but then has to stop herself because she should be thinking about how to help is wounds.
I did want more teasing between Logan and Lillian. The first kiss is like around 14% and love scene was like 66% in the book. There was more fighting off the zombies, others out to get Logan and trying to escape the hospital. I love a good mixture of romance and action but this book did not have it.
For me I was more interested in Antonia (Toni) and Darce. I really hope they get their own book. Darce should not be interested in Antonia. For the reason you really will have to buy this book to see the fun scenes they have.

“Or I’ll rip your head off and dance in your entrails.”

“Sure you will, sweetheart.” He blew her a kiss his words light and joking. “And I’ll put you over me knee and spank that luscious backside of yours.”

She snarled a wordless sound of anger and frustration. He beckoned her on, his eyes as hard as amber stone they mimicked.

“Come on, gorgeous. Let’s Dance.”

I hope this is a series as it left me wanting to know more about the secondary characters. I will definitely buy more books by Mina Carter as I seen already that were interesting.

Instant Mating Protective Hero
Alpha Male Hero

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Alpha Males After Dark: Lover UnBound by J.R. Ward

Alpha-Males After Dark is a weekly meme hosted on Monday's (After hours) by Ana @ Beach Bum Reads and Neyra here @ Darkest Addictions. Alpha-Males After Dark is an 18+ meme that has your favorite smutty scene from a book of your choice with your favorite Sezzy Alpha-Male. Following this, you will state why you chose said Sezzy Alpha-Male and that particular hawt & heavy scene. Your post can be as explicit or as conservative as you want. Just spill the deets, you know we will ;)

To join in on all the steamy fun all you have to do is head on over to their sites, link back up in the link section below and be a follower of both Beach Bum Reads & Darkest Addictions. Have fun! ;)

My Pick:

With  no warning at all she was tackled from behind, pushed face-first into the wall and held in place by a rock-hard body twice the size of her own. Her gasp was first one of shock, then one of sex as she felt V grind into her ass.

"I tried to tell you no," he growled as his hand buried itself in her hair and locked on, pulling her head back. As she cried out she ran wet between her legs. "Tried to be nice."


"Praying's not going to help. Too late for that, Jane."

There was regret in his voice, as well as erotic inevitability. "I gave you a chance to have it on your terms. Now we'll do this on mine."

She wanted this. She wanted him. 'Please-"

"Shh." He cranked her head to the side with a twist of his wrist, exposing her throat. "When I want you to beg, I'll tell you." His tongue was warm and wet as it rode up her neck. "Now ask me what I'm going to do to you."
Now this my kind of meme. I am sure you are suprised I did not pick my all time favorite author Lora Leigh, who writes the best Alpha Males out there. My first picked for this meme had to go to V in Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward. She has given us some yummy Alpha Male heroes and V is my favorite. That BDB warrior rocks my world.

Sexy Snippets: Run The Risk by Lori Foster

Tuesdays have never been so sexy

Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by  Reading Between The Wines  for the 18+ crowd. To join in  head on over to  Reading Between The Wines  just grab the button, Post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky below at  Reading Between The Wines  so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!

Run The Risk (Love Undercover #1)
by Lori Foster Web  Excerpt
Release date:  September 25, 2012

Sexy Snippet:

...she wrapped her legs around him.

He sucked and licked his way to the upper swells of her breasts-and then down to her left nipple. He sucked her in, his rough tongue laving, his mouth hot.

 "Logan." Holding his head to her, she arched up.

He groaned. "You are so sweet."

I can watch the sexy Run The Risk book trailer over and over. Enjoy!

ARC Review: Hell On Wheels by Julie Ann Walker

Hell On Wheels (Black Knight, Inc. #1)
by Julie Ann Walker
Publisher:  Sourcebooks Casablanca
E-Book 380 pages
Purchase Links: Amazon  Barnes & Noble


He’s the bad boy she’s always wanted...

Nate “Ghost” Weller has loved Ali Morgan nearly half his life. But he’s done something so heinous he’s convinced she’ll never forgive him if she discovers the truth, so he keeps his feelings and his secrets to himself. Then she blows into town with a mother lode of bad guys on her tail and Nate can’t deny she’s in serious trouble. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who can help her.

She’s the good girl he’s kept at arm’s length...

Ali knows Nate as the most solemn, aloof man on the planet. Sadly, he’s also the sexiest. For years she’s avoided him, unable to stomach his dark scowls and brooding silences… especially when she secretly yearns for his touch. Now she must rely on him to save her from the malevolent shadows ghosting her every move. When the bullets explode, so does their passion. But can love really conquer all? Or are some things just too terrible to forgive?


I love the concept of this series with Black Knight Inc. using a motorcycle shop as a cover. Hell On Wheels has some of my favorite things I love to read in a book, special ops heroes, motorcycles and a hero who has been in love with his best friend sister.  I was looking forward to this series with the amazing covers which I love, the idea for this series and Hell On Wheels synopsis sounded good but was a little disappointed with it. The plot idea is okay and liked it, but the dialogue and writing style  is different as it  does take a while to get use to it.

I felt bad for Nate “Ghost” Weller when his best friend died in a mission gone wrong and he had to tell his best friend parents and sister Ali that he died. Nate is suppose to be this Alpha Male brooding hero and he did have a few of those moments. The first half of the book he was just a Ghost, like his nickname, standing on the sidelines observing.

I did not feel any chemistry with Nate and Ali. There is more inner thoughts with them and not enough face to face time.

As for the secondary characters, Becky and Frank stole the spotlight. I was more interested in them. I could not wait for them to show up in a scene. I love reading a book with secondary characters but I do not want too much, I want little by little until I patiently wait for their story. All the characters have the same voice. Even though all the characters seem to have the same voice, I still enjoyed the bickering moments with Becky and Frank.

When I read any kind of romantic suspense I want more intensity. I felt this book was trying to have more humor in it. Do not get me wrong any book with some humor is good but it was not working in this book, especially with the use of words. It did not flow and I could not get any feelings on the characters. I love the idea of the motorcycle shop having a cat named Peanut. Who I just adored.
I will definitely read the rest of the series as Black Knight Inc shows a promising series and I look forward to seeing how the second book will be with Becky and Frank.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review

Monday, September 10, 2012

E-Book Giveaway Deacon's Touch

I am excited to have Deacon's Touch by Callie Croix as my 2nd in September "Studs In Stetsons" E-book giveaway (your choice from Amazon or Barnes and Noble) courtesy of Wickedly Delicious Book Blog.  You do not want to miss out on Deacon Dumen and his sexy brothers. Check out my Review and  Wickedly Delicious Couple.

        Do you like your BDSM books light or kinky?

Deacon's Touch (Dumen Ranch Series #1)
by Callie Croix
Purchase Links: Amazon  Barnes & Noble 

After her own engagement goes to hell, workaholic Jessica Talbot dreads her friend’s bachelorette party at a dude ranch in Nowheresville, Texas. But the outlook for the weekend brightens when Deacon Dumen picks her up at the airport. The sexy cowboy awakens every dormant sexual fantasy with nothing more than a friendly smile and a handshake.

Ex-Air Force Pararescueman Deke Dumen doesn’t know what to make of the sexy yet reserved brunette who breaks through the walls he built after an injury ended his career and a divorce soured him on relationships. As a guest at his family's ranch Jessie is off limits, but the Dom in him rebels at the restriction, even as he realizes his penchant for control in the bedroom would likely scare the holy hell out of her. When Jessie shocks Deke by asking for exactly what he's been craving, he's ready to break the rules and introduce her to his own brand of dominance. Her willing surrender rocks them both to the core. But once the weekend's over, they must decide if it was just a wild fling or the start of something more.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Delicious Washboard Abs Cover #5

Hello Lovelies. Delicious Washboard Abs Cover  is a weekly feature that is held on Mondays, hosted by me from  Wickedly Delicious Book Blog.  The object of this blog hop is to post a new, old or not release yet  sexy abs cover. This is a blog hop geared towards book lovers preferably ages 18+ with the objective to find and visit other blogs that share the same interest as you... a love for Sexy Reads with a Delicious Washboard Ab cover.  

How to join:
  • Make a separate post for the  Delicious Washboard Abs Cover hop on your blog.
  • Copy the button above or place your own (as long as you link back to Wickedly Delicious Book Blog) on top of your post.
  • Pick your  Delicious Washboard Abs candidate with an old book or currant read. Give a reason for your pick.
  • Place your name and blog title in the linky below, as well as the URL for a direct link to the post.
  • Visit other blogs on the list and make some new friends

    My Pick
    Owned by the Elf
    by Mina Carter
    Purchase Links:  Amazon  Ellora's Cave
    E-book 61pages

    She was ordered to spy on the enemy, but when Tamryn wakes behind enemy lines, tied up and a captive of the sexiest elf she’s ever seen, far more than military secrets are at stake. Elves and faeries don’t get along. He’s big, brutal and as sexy as the seven hells. Bane’s kisses sear her lips and his caresses ignite a fire in her heart that won’t be denied.Bane has never met a faery he didn’t want to rip limb from limb, but Tamryn is proving to be the exception. Instead of secrets, he steals kisses from her lips and finds a passion that makes him burn. Elves don’t love, they own—but Bane may have to give his heart in the process.
    I am not big on reading about elves but if they look like this, then I am in. I am enjoying the sweat on his abs.

    Review: Deacon's Touch by Callie Croix

    Deacon's Touch (Dumen Ranch Series #1)
    by Callie Croix
    Purchase Links: Amazon  Barnes & Noble 

    After her own engagement goes to hell, workaholic Jessica Talbot dreads her friend’s bachelorette party at a dude ranch in Nowheresville, Texas. But the outlook for the weekend brightens when Deacon Dumen picks her up at the airport. The sexy cowboy awakens every dormant sexual fantasy with nothing more than a friendly smile and a handshake.

    Ex-Air Force Pararescueman Deke Dumen doesn’t know what to make of the sexy yet reserved brunette who breaks through the walls he built after an injury ended his career and a divorce soured him on relationships. As a guest at his family's ranch Jessie is off limits, but the Dom in him rebels at the restriction, even as he realizes his penchant for control in the bedroom would likely scare the holy hell out of her. When Jessie shocks Deke by asking for exactly what he's been craving, he's ready to break the rules and introduce her to his own brand of dominance. Her willing surrender rocks them both to the core. But once the weekend's over, they must decide if it was just a wild fling or the start of something more.
    Perfect ~ Keeper

    Callie Croix has a gift for writing short novels. Not many authors can do this. There is always something missing or it needs to be longer. Not in Deacon’s Touch, it is perfect and a keeper for me.

    Deacon (AKA as Deke) is a sexy hero you want to bring home to meet the parents. He is a gentleman and sweet. He thinks of himself as a Dom and even though he likes to have control in the bedroom, it is light and not kinky. He does know how to talk dirty, but he also knows how to treat a woman in and out of the bedroom. Oh My Goodness that man knows how to kiss. The first kissing scene in the truck had me hot and bothered, I could not wait to see how he was in the bedroom. Let me tell you he did not disappoint me there.

    Jessica is a control freak and work alcoholic I love how Deke was the one to help her relax and let loose.
    Deke and Jessica are one of my favorite couples. Their chemistry is steamy and Callie Croix did a amazing job at a perfect length getting them together. She was even able to throw in secondary characters that did not take away from Deke and Jessica. The secondary characters are part of the plot. Love those Sexy Dumen Brothers.

    This is Callie Croix first read for me and will not be the last. She has a beautiful writing voice that sucks you in and will be wanting more when the story ends.


    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    ARC Review: Risking It All by Jennifer Schmidt

    Risking It All
    by Jennifer Schmidt Blog
    Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
    E-book 280 pages
    Release Date: September 13, 2012

    Kennedy Monroe barely got her foot in her college dorm her freshman year before she was being warned about a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed self-proclaimed Casanova. There were only so many tales of heartache – and incredibly steamy nights – she could listen to before she started to believe them. But after a run in with the most sought after college womanizer, her ill feelings toward him change and soon a friendship forms that surprises everyone.

    Twelve years later Kennedy and Memphis Adams are closer than ever - and only friends despite what those around them think, including Kennedy’s boyfriend Ian Brooks. When Kennedy accepts an invitation to vacation in Alaska from Memphis, her relationship with Brooks is tested as is her restraint when it comes to the desire she has always had for her best friend.

    Alone with Memphis in Alaska, Kennedy finds it increasingly harder to ignore temptation and wants nothing more than to give into her secret desires with the one man that has always been off limits. But is one night of passion worth the possible risk of losing their friendship over?

    Feeling torn between doing the right thing and doing what she wants, Kennedy fears losing her best friend. She knows she needs to sort out her feelings for the two men in her life and deal with the consequences of her actions, but how can she when everything seems to be falling apart so fast? And how much can Memphis take before he’s pushed too far and can no longer take Kennedy’s inability to make a decision about what and who she wants?

    Kennedy discovers the harsh reality of how one night can change everything and leave her risking it all.


    Perfect ~ Keeper

    Risking It All is an addicting and edge of your seat story of best friends of 12 years that risk their friendship from a simple kiss.

    I am secretly crushing on Memphis. I just love how he is always calling her beautiful instead of her name, unless he is ticked off or confused. I am a sucker for heroes who use endearment words and Memphis is that hero who will have you eating at the palm of his hands. Memphis is more of a playboy then the committed type and something in his past has made him this way, but the way he treats Kennedy his best friend since college he is totally opposite. He is always there for her, offering her encouragement, attentive, possessive and protective.

    Kennedy is confused as her boyfriend of some years is not there for her. But she is always there for him with his work etc.. He seems to be drifting away and she is starting to wonder does she still love him. Memphis is the one who is always there for her. The way he treats her is the way her boyfriend should be. Usually it is the hero who has issues and does stuff that makes the heroine and the reader go crazy for their actions. Not in this case. Jennifer Schmidt did an amazing job at creating a heroine who’s actions make me want to pull out my hair.

    Risking It All really starts off when Memphis and Kennedy take a trip to Alaska for his work. This is when their friendship is tested. You feel the chemistry they have together and will love their friendship. Jennifer Schmidt did a superb job at keeping me on the edge of my seat with Memphis and Kennedy. I never knew what was going to happen next. Most of my favorite parts are in Alaska. The scenes I loved the most was there, like the restaurant, lake, snowball fight and my favorite is when she got a painting and a note from someone she met there. That is a scene not to be missed. It is playful, sweet and steamy.
    Jennifer Schmidt has a talent for writing in first person POV. I really could feel when Kennedy and Memphis were happy, sad, confused and mad. Memphis and Kennedy’s journey together had me smiling, hot to be bothered and even shed a few tears. Risking It All is a keeper for me. I would not want to change a thing except maybe it be a series. I hated to see their journey end and want more.

    I highly recommend Risking It All. Jump on board and get this book. This is one journey you will not want to miss. I absolutely loved Risking It All and look forward to reading more books by Jennifer Schmidt.

    ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review

    Friends To Lovers

    BB & B

    BB&B (Bought, Borrowed and Bagged) is a weekly meme held on Sundays, hosted by Talk Supe. It is where we share with you the books that we have bought, borrowed or bagged (won) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, on going events and any news we want to share with our followers.

    So excited got a copy of Double Time by Olivia Cunning. Still have not read Backstage Pass.

    Double Time by Olivia Cunning,  Can't Hurry Love by Molly O'Keefe

    Shout ot to Bitten By Paranormal Romance for having Tranforming Love by Debra Smith Review .  Had me with Alpha Male shifter hero.  While buying it, came across Perfect Mate by Mina Carner and  Angel's Desire by Rosalie Lario. Had to buy those too. One reviewer for Perfect Mate had me with "For anyone who enjoys the breed series from Lora Leigh and the New Species series from Laurann Dohner, try this book." and hero is a sexy Alpha Male.

    Risking It All  by Jennifer Schmidt


     Deacon's Touch by Callie Croix is next in September "Studs In Stetsons" E-book giveaway (your choice from Amazon or Barnes & Noble) courtesy of Wickedly Delicious Book Blog. 9/10 ~ 9/16.

    "Studs In Stetsons"