Sunday, October 26, 2014

Review: Burn by Callie Hart

Spoil Free Review
Rating: 4 Stars ~ Loved It
Genre: Erotic Romance
Heat: Scorcher ~ Panty Changer
Source: Bought
Zeth and Sloane have worked their way into my heart.  I am admiring how Callie Hart is little by little pulling away the layers on all her characters.
Zeth is starting to show more of his playful side and Sloane is getting a little more feisty. There is no insta love and loving that. Burn is more on their relationship. Zeth is still dark and dangerous and for the most part emotional stilled but he is starting to show more feelings. He is confused about their relationship as he does not know how to handle these feeling he is having for Sloane. Now Sloane might be strong will and has learned to hold her own but I am loving that still deep down inside she is  insecure when it comes to their relationship. It just makes her character feel alive. Zeth has never done relationships. She is still afraid he will grow bored with her and move on. Deep inside she believes she is just a new toy for him. 
Callie Hart has a way of introducing new characters that add so much to the story. Of course they are part of the plot but she never loses the story line with unwanted info on her characters. Oh no, she likes to tease her readers with delicious new characters. I am wanting more of Rebel.
Callie Hart loves to give readers a "what the heck" just happened twist and surprise. Once again did not see the twists coming.  I am now obsessed with Blood & Roses series.
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Purchase Link: Amazon

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