
Coming Soon

Contact @ wickedlydeliciousbookblog@gmail.com


  1. Wickedly Delish----
    I am so glad that you discovered my blog-followed me, and now I am checking out your site. I love the background, the pics, and we share a very similar taste in books. I will now be stalking your delish ass :)

  2. Thank you. That is awesome cause I will be stalking your ass too. LOL. Still have not done a About me page. Hopefully soon.

  3. Heh, I was thinking of have an area on my sidebar where I list my Blogger BFF's(people I connect with daily and are freakin nutty) and list people using their blog buttons under that section. Is that okay with you?


    1. Hey sweetie it is okay with me. I would love to be on your Blogger BFF nutty friend list. LOL. Great Idea, luvin it.

  4. Honey Girl, I wanted to participate in some of your memes, but wasn't sure of your days. Can you give me a run down of your memes and the days you will post them?

    I wanted to join in the washboard abs, but didn't realize until now that it was for today.

    Email me: fiktishuhspleasures@gmail.com

  5. Let me start by saying absolutely love your blog..yummy guys everywhere! so have you ever heard of Liebster Blog Award? Well I nominated you and am notifying you that if you would like to accept it then mosey on over to my blog {Here} and follow the rules I have listed and answer the awesome questions I have listed underneath titled “questions for nominee's” I hope you choose to accept this award and have fun answering the questions!


Hello Lovelies. Thank you for stopping by. I love to hear from you.